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Facebook, we need to talk — and you’re not letting us.
The Israeli government and some of its supporters are asking Facebook to add “Zionist” as a protected category in its hate speech policy — that is, to treat "Zionist" as a proxy for "Jew" or "Jewish.” This would undermine efforts to dismantle real antisemitism, deprive Palestinians of a crucial venue for expressing their political viewpoints to the world, and help the Israeli governemnt avoid accountability for its violations of Palestinian rights.
Join me in urging Facebook NOT to shut down our important conversations. Sign the petition:
Facebook, we need to talk. Don't let the Israeli government use your hate speech policy to stifle conversations about its human rights violations.
Facebook should allow us to hold governments accountable — not shield them from accountability.
Join me in urging Facebook NOT to add “Zionist” as a protected category in their hate speech policy. Sign the petition:
If Facebook restricts use of the word “Zionist,” how can Palestinians describe [their/our] daily lives under military occupation, or discuss [their/our] families’ history?
Facebook, Palestinians need to talk.
Join me in urging Facebook NOT to add “Zionist” as a protected category in their hate speech policy. Sign the petition:
If Facebook restricts use of the word “Zionist,” how can Jewish people discuss and debate [their/our] many relationships to Zionist political ideology and its contested history?
Facebook, Jews need to talk.
Join me in urging Facebook NOT to add “Zionist” as a protected category in their hate speech policy. Sign the petition:
Facebook, we need to talk. Many antisemites, especially among white supremacists and evangelical Christian Zionists, both support Zionism AND dehumanize Jews. Adding "Zionist" as a protected category in your hate speech policy won't stop their antisemitism, but it will shut down important conversations among Jews and Palestinians.
Join me in urging Facebook NOT to treat “Zionist” as synonymous with “Jew” or “Jewish.” Sign the petition:
I’m Jewish, and I use Facebook to _________________________. I can’t do that if Facebook restricts use of the word “Zionist.”
Facebook, Jews need to talk.
Join me in urging Facebook NOT to add “Zionist” as a protected category in their hate speech policy. Sign the petition:
I’m Palestinian and I use Facebook to _________________________. I can’t do that if Facebook restricts use of the word “Zionist.”
Facebook, Palestinians need to talk.
Join me in urging Facebook NOT to add “Zionist” as a protected category in their hate speech policy. Sign the petition: